


German Seba KMT VLF-CR series cosine square wave cable 0.1Hz AC withstand voltage test system

        VLF CR系列电缆0.1Hz试验系统,采用输出余弦方波方式进行交流耐压试验,波形满足IEEE400.2-2013国际标准。2018年被国家电网Q/GDW 11838-2018《配电电缆线路试验规程》正式列入常规有效的试验方法之一。适用于电力电缆的交接、预防性、检修后等耐压试验。

SEBAKMT STX40 Portable Intelligent Cable Fault Location System from Germany

    STX40-2000 is a new generation portable intelligent cable fault location system produced and manufactured by SebaKMT company in Germany, which can solve various fault detection and positioning of power cables. Integrate the necessary components of the faulty equipment into one; By combining active multi arc reflection pre positioning technology and digital security monitoring combination system, as well as fully automatic pressurization and waveform recognition, the dream of "everyone becoming a fault expert" has become a reality.

German SebaKMT CI cable identification

    CI is suitable for accurate identification of power outage cables as the target cable, and its identification results can serve as the basis for cable sawing.    Accurately identifying one of the target cables from a bundle of cables is a technical problem that power engineers and cable workers often encounter. The purpose of cable identification is to avoid serious accidents caused by mistakenly sawing live cables. CI applies orthogonal pulse current method technology. With the CI clamp arrow pointing towards the far end of the target cable, when the CI receiver LED indicator light is green, it is your target cable; If the indicator light is red or none of the lights are on, it is a non target cable.

DELTA4000-CN High Voltage Frequency Domain Dielectric Spectrometer Testing System Frequency Domain Dielectric Spectrometer Megger

The DELTA4000-CN series insulation dielectric loss testing system is sturdy and durable, and can operate in high interference substation environments. It provides fast fully automatic dielectric loss testing and frequency domain dielectric spectrum testing, with a maximum voltage of 12 kV. The software also supports full manual control and can change the test voltage during the testing process to meet special testing requirements.▶  Provide automatic and manual control modes, easy to use▶  Broadband test voltage (1-500 Hz), including DFR diagnostic function▶  Accurate testing in high interference environments (such as 765 kV substations)▶  Lightweight dual body design, weighing 14kg+22kg▶  Intelligent temperature correction function, no need to use temperature correction table▶  Industrial 300mm (12 inch) touch screen controller

SEBAKMT ST25 cable fault tester from Germany

The ST25-30 portable intelligent cable fault location system is suitable for fault detection of 380V-35kV power cables. It can detect difficult faults such as low resistance, high resistance, broken wires, flashover, and intermittency. The system integrates the high-voltage source, high-voltage capacitor, TDR pulse reflection module, and fully automatic control circuit required for cable fault location system, reducing operation difficulty, reducing volume and quality, and enhancing safety protection level; Built in large capacity rechargeable battery, suitable for harsh outdoor operations.

Vivax-Metrotech i5000-3 Cable Locator

The i5000-3 underground cable 3D intelligent pipeline positioning system is a new product of Vivax Metrotech Company that focuses on the field of underground cable positioning. It is suitable for path positioning, depth measurement, outer sheath fault positioning, GPS coordinate positioning and drawing of 380V-220kV power cables. Its innovative design makes the equipment simpler and more intelligent; The diverse selection of testing modes is more in line with the personalized usage requirements of users; More than 50 frequency options and diverse optional accessories help users solve complex on-site problems. Optional plug and play external GPS and MLA beacon positioning modules, suitable for different operating conditions.

BITE5 Battery Testing System

AMS - CHAR System (Frequency Domain Reflectometry)

The CHAR system by AMS Corp. (USA) assess the condition and functional integrity of cables through non-destructive electrical testing. The characteristic of the instrument is that it can evaluate cable problems that cannot be detected by conventional testing or lack sensitivity, including insulation local aging and mechanical fault localization and severity assessment (FDR), cable shielding layer damage localization (RTDR), etc.The FDR broadband impedance testing function uses a VNA module (dynamic range up to 130dB), which allows for defect (fault) localization, status diagnosis, and aging trend analysis testing of cables from the control cabinet without the need to remove terminal loads. The CHAR system can not only be used for testing power cables, but also for control and communication cables without armor shielding. It is widely used in fields such as power grids, nuclear power, and railways.

VLFCR28-40 SINUS-34-37-45-62 Cable AC Voltage Withstand Test System

Simple: device wiring, simple operation, easy to learn and understandIntelligent: If the leakage current is too high or breakdown occurs, the device will automatically stop testing and dischargeEfficient: ultra-low frequency withstand voltage test, can quickly break through hidden danger points






Case study of

20kV交联电力电缆“死接地”故障案例一、故障线路基本信息线路名称:XXX变226纳米#6线出线测试地点:XXXX开闭所测试时间:2021年01月13日电缆类型:YJV22-12/20kV-3*400电缆长度:2300m此条线路电缆排管敷设,线路在运行过程中发生接地故障,经过现场巡视勘查,发现线路上有施工工地进行了打孔施工,怀疑电缆被打坏,但由于电缆埋深2m以上,无法直接确定故障点。二、电缆故障性质诊断使用5000V兆欧表测量三相绝缘电阻分别是:相位A相B相C相绝缘0Ω0Ω0Ω电缆三相绝缘均为0Ω,因此电缆为金属性接地(死接地故障)故障类型。三、故障测试设备及现场图片                图1:XXXX开闭所                 四、故障测试过程:1、故障测距因绝缘完全为0Ω,通过使用低压脉冲法,采集到故障波形如下图,故障点位于1310m处。图22、路径查找因现场负责人,非常熟悉电缆路径且图纸资料清楚。不需要使用仪器查找。3、精确定点因电缆为“死接地”故障,现场采用了跨步电压法进行精确定点。  图3:跨步电压法精确定点现场 五、开挖验证通过现场开挖验证,可看到电缆有明显被打坏的痕迹。见下图。  现场开挖验证  产品推荐:vm-510 FFL独立A字架定位仪,主要用于电缆外护层破损的电力电缆“死接地”故障定位,或单芯电缆外护层故障定位。现场使用路径仪(i5000-3)发射机,调节至故障专用频率(FF High或FF Low),同时使用vm-510 FFL独立A字架定位仪到故障点附近进行精确定点。     


Case study of live partial discharge detection in

XXXX 2#配电所2B3#4主变开关柜带电局放检测案例 一、电缆开关柜信息线路名称:XXXX 2#配电所2B3#4主变开关柜测试地点: XXXX 2#配电所测试时间:2021年3月5日                                               检测数据/结果(PD SCAN电力设备局部放电带电巡检仪)测量数据:数据图谱分析:  评估:检测情况说明结果分析及建议 现场采用内置超声传感器及外置超声传感器现场检测,通过超声传感器探测到开关内有明显的局放信号,测试结果呈红色标志。因此建议立即安排进行缺陷处理。结果分析及验证现场巡视人员通过观察窗,也观察到终端头放电痕迹。如下图: 现场解剖情况如下:  通过现场解剖分析,该电缆终端为热缩终端头,可以清晰看到,终端头有明显“爬电”痕迹。   产品推荐:    PD SCAN是Megger集团最新推出的手持式、预筛查、工具型专业仪器,适合对中压电力电缆或电力设备局部放电活动进行在线检测。其采用丰富的传感器技术(内置式/外置式),适合变电站或开关柜内各种电力设备。采用内置及外置TEV地电波传感器技术、内置超声及外置柔性超声技术对开关柜进行检测分析;采用高频HFCT传感器检测电缆局放,采用抛物线超声接收机进行户外电力设备局放检测,适合对户内、户外可看到的电力设备进行局放检测(比如绝缘子、电缆终端等)。


20kV power cable ultra-low frequency three in one

20kV电力电缆超低频三合一综合试验案例一、故障线路基本信息线路名称:高尔夫球场开闭所XXXX 2#线进线测试地点:高尔夫球场开闭所测试时间:2020年09月11日电缆类型:YJV22-12/20kV-3*400电缆长度:845m中间接头:1个,455m。此条线路电缆沿电缆沟敷设,已投运10多年,但该电缆为空载电缆,由于运行时间较长,因此按照计划停电对该电缆进行诊断性试验。二、绝缘阻值变化相位A相B相C相试验前绝缘电阻37.3GΩ34.4GΩ36.1GΩ试验后绝缘电阻129GΩ116GΩ64.3GΩ二、电缆介损测试结果1、测试数据图谱记介损测试图谱2、结果分析根据国家电网Q/GDW11838-2018《配电电缆线路试验规程》,与测试数据对比结果如下:相位介损变化量(1.5Uo-1.5Uo)[10-3]介损随时间稳定性(Uo下标准偏差[10-3])介损平均值Uo 下[10-3]A(L1)5<7.42<800.04<0.12.21<4B(L2)5<8.61<800.04<0.12.96<4C(L3)5<6.10<800.03<0.12.00<4评价结论:A(L1)关注状态B(L2)关注状态C(L3)关注状态三、电缆局放测试结果1、局放定位分布图A相局放分布图B相局放分布图C相局放分布图2、试验结论及建议根据局放分布图分析,电缆ABC三相存在多处局放现象,局放位置及最大局放量分别为:A相:本体局放(290m),220pC,超过标准值100pC;B相:本体局放(645m),185pC,超过标准值100pC,且在试验中击穿;C相:本体局放(342m),345pC,超过标准值100pC;本体局放(736m),190pC,超过标准值100pC; 且在试验中击穿。电缆测试过程中,发现多处本体局放,介损测试整体评价为“关注状态”,且在测试中电缆BC两相都被击穿。因此判断电缆整体存在老化现象,建议本条电缆更换处理。四、现场解剖情况9月11日,安排将290m,342m本体局放点各留取样本(局放点前后共10m),送电科院研究使用。9月12日上午将645m,736m电缆本体故障点解剖。解剖图如下:      645m本体故障点                    736m本体故障点 产品推荐:超低频三合一综合测试系统,是指0.1Hz超低频三合一综合试验项目,主要包括耐压试验、介损测量,局部放电测量。设备重量轻,电源功率小                                           耐压和介损主机                 PDS局放单元五大功能l  DC直流耐压试验功能              用于油纸电缆耐压试验l  VLF超低频耐压试验功能           用于交联电缆耐压试验l  VLF超低频介损TD测试功能        用于电缆整体老化评价l  VLF超低频局放PD测试功能        用于电缆局部放电测试l  SFL外护套故障测试功能           用于电缆外护套故障 


Case of High Resistance Grounding Fault in 20kV Po

20kV电力电缆高阻接地故障案例一、故障线路基本信息线路名称:XXX变淞泽2#线出线测试地点:XXXX 1#配电所测试时间:2021年01月04日电缆类型:YJV22-12/20kV-3*400电缆长度:953m此条线路电缆沿电缆沟敷设,线路在运行过程中发生接地故障。二、电缆故障性质诊断使用5000V兆欧表测量三相绝缘电阻分别是:相位A相B相C相绝缘393kΩ140GΩ122GΩ因此判断电缆A相为高阻接地故障。三、故障测试设备及现场图片                               图1:STX40电缆故障测试仪                图2:现场测试图四、故障测试过程:1、故障测距通过使用STX40电缆故障定位系统中的ARM(二次脉冲法)模式,采集到故障波形如下图,故障点位于606m处。图32、路径查找因现场负责人,非常熟悉电缆路径且图纸资料清楚。不需要使用仪器查找。3、精确定点根据现场负责人提供信息及图纸资料查询,我们直接到606m附近去精确定点。故障点附近有明显的施工现场,由于放电声音明显,很快确定故障点位置。经过确认该故障点为本体故障,造成故障的原因是外力施工时损伤电缆。 产品推荐:STX40-2000是德国赛巴sebaKMT公司生产制造的全新一代顶级便携式智能电缆故障定位系统,可解决380V-220kV的电力电缆的各种故障检测和定位。将故障设备必须的元器件融为一体,减小体积和重量的同时,使安全和防护等级在规模化集成基础上得到了极大提升;结合目前最先进的高级主动多次弧反射预定位技术和数码安全监测组合系统以及全自动加压、识别波形的方式,使“人人成为故障专家”的梦想成为现实。   







Brave of the Heat and Forge Ahead - China Series T

Brave of the Heat and Forge Ahead - China Series Tour in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei Region                                        Facing the scorching heat wave in July,                                        We have started our China series tour in the second half of the year, covering the Beijing Tianjin Hebei and Inner Mongolia regions.                                        This tour focuses on the mainstream progressiveness instruments of Megger sebaKMT,                                        Conduct technical exchanges, equipment demonstrations, simulation demonstrations, on-site demonstrations, and other forms.                                        Communicate various technical challenges with customers.    The Ba test tour car put on its new clothes and embarked on the journey of the tour with a completely new look.                                                        Face to face technical exchangeEquipment display and simulation demonstration are all stages for equipment displayCompared to S32, customers cannot let go of the STX40 after weight reduction and additional configurationLive demonstration                                    Whether it's handheld small devices such as path recognition, ultrasonic partial discharge,                                    Or ultra-low frequency three in one, cable failure,                                    Megger devices can always overcome difficulties and solve various cable related problemsAchievement presentation - identifying and solving problems                                    The ultra-low frequency three in one can detect hidden partial discharge points in cables in advance, effectively avoiding power outages caused by accidents.                                    The STX40 intelligent cable fault tester is designed for                                    Difficult faults such as high resistance, flashover, and water ingress can be quickly resolved and accurately located.                                The Batai team has always adhered to the spirit of advancing bravely and never giving up on various difficult issues related to cables.                                The severe cold weather in the northwest did not hinder our progress,                                How could the unbearable heat in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region make us shrink back.                                Come on, BaCe!


